Where is my order confirmation?

You will receive an email confirmation to the email address you entered on your order. If you have not received an email confirmation, please check your spam folder. If you have not received an email confirmation, then the order has not gone through or you did not enter your email address correctly. Please contact sales@koalition.shop 

An item I want is sold out? Do you restock your inventory?

We rarely restock items once they have sold out. Limited releases will not be restocked once sold out.

Can I cancel my order?

Cancellations are not currently allowed for online purchases. Please only click the “Place Order” button once to avoid multiple purchases.


When will my order ship?

Shipping times may vary due to availability of merchandise. Please note to allow up to 3-4 business days for order processing and verification.


How can I get sponsored by Koalition?

Since we are a growing company, We currently sponsor music artists, professional athletes, or highly fashionable individuals with a large following. If you fit into any of these categories, email us at sales@koalition.shop with a statement of why you should be sponsored.